Monday, October 28, 2019

Baron Geisler proudly announces his wife's pregnancy

Actor Baron Geisler married the love of his life last September 12, 2019.

His wife Jamie Evangelista has a big part of Baron's life, he has been vocal about how his wife helped him changed and become the person he is now.

In Baron's Instagram post, he announced his wife's pregnancy and how grateful he is in introducing their little angel.

His daughter's name Talitha Cumi is Biblical which means "Little girl arise" as said by Jesus Christ in Mark 5:41 in the Holy Bible.

Baron also requested for prayers for his wife and baby's health and safe delivery.

Words of congratulations has been pouring out in the comment section.

Baron Geisler was involved in different controversial his past life, now he had dedicated his life to his God.

We are hoping the best for you, Baron!

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