Isabel Granada's death took a lot of friends and family by surprise, but no one took it as hard as her mother, affectionately called by close friends as Mommy Guapa. It's not surprising too because mothers love their children very much, and some can't even imagine living the rest of their life without their precious ones.

The people who were present at the wake noticed that Mommy Guapa was not among those present at the frontmost part, reserved for direct family members, relatives and close friends. It was said that she had locked herself in her car due to grief, unable to accept that her daughter is no longer living and is now lying lifeless in a casket. It's such a sad thing to hear when someone loves her daughter so much that being around her corpse is too much to bear!

It's really hard when you lose someone you love dearly, and it's difficult to move past the grief. Sometimes you think letting go means that you don't love that person anymore and you will forget about everything, but the truth is letting go means that you have decided to forget the present circumstance and focus on the preserved and cherished memories you both have. Condolences to the family of Isabelle Granada.
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